Answer by Paŭlo Ebermann for How do I contact a user privately, as a moderator?
There are these options, as far as I know:Open a private chat room for this purpose, give this user the right to join, and super-ping him there.This is the preferred way for minor things.Send a...
View ArticleCould we allow linking to subsections of the site FAQ's editable part?...
Possible Duplicate:Custom sections in FAQ don't work rightOnly the first part of each site's FAQ (the part between »What kind of questions can I ask here?« and »What kind of questions should I not ask...
View ArticleAnswer by Paŭlo Ebermann for Could we have the ability to mark a change as...
(I just was typing this for a question which then got closed as a duplicate before I finished. I'll post it here, thus.)There are several points to think about, here.The edit bumps questions to front...
View ArticleAnswer by Paŭlo Ebermann for Help translate the Stack Exchange UI (unofficial)
Our prototype now supports both German and French, by using different dictionary files. UsageInstall the user scripts into your browser. You need:A dictionary file (dictionary-*.user.js) (de, fr)The...
View ArticleIs 21 not enough reputation to go to chat? [duplicate]
Possible Duplicate:How long does it take for chat profiles to update?I recently tried to help this user on a question, and we got in a longish exchange about how to solve this. Eventually the reminder...
View ArticleHave a higher-resolution flair for printing
For the Stack Overflow meetup today, I thought I would print out my flair image - one of these:But unfortunately they have a resolution of only 208×58 pixels, which is not quite enough to print them...
View ArticleThe combined flair does show only my Area 51 account [duplicate]
Possible Duplicate:What happened to my flair?So I just had the idea to print out my combined Stack Exchange flair for the Stack Overflow Meetup day ... and this is what I see:Here is the live...
View ArticleWhere are questions about wget usage on topic?
I just had a question about wget usage (for Rip javadocs from a doc site to a local zip file), and wondered where to post it. Here the wget tags on the sites I checked:ServerFault (83)SuperUser...
View ArticleAnswer by Paŭlo Ebermann for The excerpts at the top of tag question lists...
I just stumbled on this (since a user is just providing some tag wikis, and I'm approving and editing them).This would be less annoying if it didn't loose all formatting from the blurb of text which is...
View ArticleAnswer by Paŭlo Ebermann for How do users of Stack Overflow make money?
If you are on Stack Overflow to make money, you probably are here for the wrong reasons.I think most answererswant to give back since they got help before,want to help others, or "make the Internet a...
View ArticleCan I accept an already rejected edit (to my own post)? [duplicate]
Today, someone proposed an edit to one of my answers. Before I got to see the notification, the edit already was rejected by other people (three rejections, one approval).But the edit was actually a...
View ArticleTwo yearling badges on the same day?
I just randomly looked at the contributions of fivetwentisix, and there it lists two yearling badges, both awarded with about five minutes time difference on Aug 16. Actually, this user is here for 2...
View ArticleAnswer by Paŭlo Ebermann for Combine flag and edit queues from main and meta...
While we didn't have a single flag on meta.crypto in all time¹, according to our moderator tools (though I think I did flag something before becoming moderator), I think this is a good idea.Not being...
View ArticleHow should questions about compiler errors be titled? [closed]
After seeing I've found a particular set of "question"s with bad titles; how should I proceed?, I went on to go through my tags and edit some of those questions.Now I went to the javac tag, and found...
View ArticleChat-migrated comments: "Discussion between ..."
While it is not listed in the Recent feature changes to Stack Exchange, there seems to be a new feature which allows migrating longer comment threads to chat. Or I suddenly got more chatty, I remarked...
View ArticleCould the search result please stay in the same tab if I change some search...
I recently do often search queries like title:problem [java] closed:0 on Stack Overflow.These give quite a lot of results, and are in no particular order ("Relevance", whatever this means). Thus I...
View ArticleAnswer by Paŭlo Ebermann for Is it possible to put a Stack Overflow icon on...
Having seen your example, I would think this is not a really good idea - you just put a row of logos. This does not really help the people who want to contact you (or know something about you). Better...
View ArticleWhich actions using the 10k-moderator-tools do really help the diamond...
So, I'm now (for some weeks) a user with more than 10k reputation (on Stack Overflow). I can access the moderation tools, one of them is the flagged posts page. This lists some of the flags on posts...
View ArticleAnswer by Paŭlo Ebermann for Le proposte del tipo " in " creano inaccettabili...
So, your point of view is that everyone who is important will know English enough to participate in an English-only site, and people who are not able to do so, must be excluded, just so the...
View ArticleAnswer by Paŭlo Ebermann for Would anyone be interested in QR codes for...
I just printed out a QR code for and glued it to the whiteboard in the university's computer pool. But I don't really have a way of measuring how much this would be...
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